The owners and staff of The Casino strongly believe in serving our community. Creativity and generosity are two characteristics that allow the Casino staff to achieve resounding success event after event for our customers to the point that each returns year after year and others are lining up for our leadership and direction. We believe The Casino is a beautiful and inviting setting for every event and we have generously offered our facility to many non-profit organizations at no cost or at discounted prices so that they may hold first class events, increase attendance and add more dollars to their fundraising efforts. Our culinary staff has also worked diligently with each of these event organizers to present an exquisite dining experience for their guests. Offering our menus at significantly discounted rates which helped put more money toward every organization's fundraising goal.

At The Casino, we recognize the very difficult economic times our region has recently faced. Among the hardest hit in our community are local and non-profit organizations that provide so many valuable services. We are extremely sensitive to the plight of these organizations and take pride in actively assisting in the creation and execution of special events that help raise vital funds to aid all of our community neighbors. We believe that through our assistance we have helped these organizations raise more than a quarter of a million dollars a year. Our commitment is as strong as ever, so we expect to help our non-profit community neighbors raise this and more in the years to come.

Please contact The Casino for more information about special pricing packages for non-profit organizations.

© The Casino, All Rights Reserved.
Phone: 814-944-6775  |  Fax: 814-942-5215
300 Lakemont Park Boulevard, Altoona, PA 16602