




Being part of a great community means committing to be a partner to many of the organizations within that community.
Since 1992, the Casino staff has spent a great deal of time and effort trying to build relationships within our
community through a variety of activities that have helped to support many worthwhile causes. In a small community where businesses are
so often asked to contribute to non-profit and charitable organizations, we have attempted to inject ourselves into community life through
our business. We have forged some tremendous partnerships with many of these organizations and through our efforts and our creative use
of The Casino and Snappy Chef have helped them to achieve successes in raising both funds and awareness of their organizations and their causes.
We are proud to be affiliated with these organizations and hope to add many others to this growing list. If there is some way that we can be of service to your organization or fundraising project, please let us know.
The following organizations represent groups The Casino staff has worked very hard with to create first class fundraising events:
- Blair Senior Services
- Family Services
- Arthritis Foundation
- Saint Vincent DePaul Food For Families
- March of Dimes
- Hollidaysburg Womens Club
- The 2nd Mile
- Tyrone Community Theatre
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Blair County and Bedford County Divisions
- Central PA Community Endowment
- Blair County Head Start
- Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Bedford Community Players
- Abundant Life Assembly of God
- HAYFA - Hollidaysburg Area Youth Football Association
- HAMPA - Hollidaysburg Area Music Parents Association
The following is a list of organizations in which the Casino staff is extremely involved outside of our workplace:
- Agudath Achim Synagogue
- Agudath Achim Synagogue Sisterhood
- Altoona Jewish Federation Member
- Bedford County Business and Professional Women's Organization
- Bedford County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Steering Committee Member
and Chair of Alumni Committee
- Bedford County Chamber of Commerce Red Carpet Ambassador Club
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Blair County and Bedford County Divisions Board of Directors
- Bedford Chamber Marketing Committee
- Bedford Chamber Special Events Committee
- Bedford Chamber Board of Directors
- Blair Concert Chorale Board of Directors
- Blair County Chamber of Commerce Presidents Forum
- Blair County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Blair County and LBC Alumni Association
- Center for Adoption Education for Central Pennsylvania
- Family Services, Inc.
- Greater Altoona Jewish Federation
- Pennsylvania Economy League
- Home Nursing Agency & HNA Healing Patch
- Bedford Humane Society
- Huntingdon Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
- Huntingdon Chamber Business Development Committee
- Sunrise Rotary of Altoona
- Temple Beth Israel